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PAX Vaporizer

PAX premium portable vaporizers deliver empowering experiences for dry herb and concentrates on a foundation of user-driven design and ultramodern technology.

Engineered with high-performance materials, PAX offers customized settings that produce the pure flavors and strong vapor you should expect from a vaporizer.

PAX goes wherever life takes you. PAX devices are designed with discretion in mind, are friendly on the odor scale, and easily fit in a pocket or handbag.

Enjoy a life elevated with all the benefits a portable and easy to use vaporizer brings, without the hassle of stigma

Access features not available through the device alone, and control your PAX experience like never before with the PAX Vapor App.

Items 1-2 of 2
Description Price Quantity
Replacment OVEN Lid 1 Pax Vapor - Replacement Oven Lid PAXMODREPOVELID Please Login  
pax 3 vaporizer Pax Vapor - Replacement Oven Screens (Pack of 3) PAXMODREPOVESCRE Please Login  

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